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Certificate for FUNIFELT at Modelos Asociativos Digitales 4.0!

MinTIC, Sergio Arboleda University and Universidad Tecnológica de Monterrey granted this recognition to FUNIFELT.

The event was held remotely and with the presence of important figures.

On December 13, 2021, the event for the distribution of certificates of Modelos Asociativos Digitales 4.0 was held, in which FUNIFELT participated with its initiatives that support public and private educational entities and institutions in the improvement of the use of information technologies, in this case, applying education at all educational levels.

This program sought to help organizations with the possibility of accessing the benefits offered by this initiative which the ICT portfolio promotes the use of emerging technologies for the development and reactivation of different fields.

At the event, which was held remotely, the different companies and digital associative models were congratulated for meeting the program requirements. There were 121 companies that were certified by MinTIC and the Sergio Arboleda University, and 133 companies that accessed the Escalonamiento en los Negocios TIC program of the Universidad Tecnológica de Monterrey. This program was carried out, intensively, from October 26 to November 19, 2021, with more than 85 hours.

The event had three stages which included an opening,delivery of certificates and closure.

Likewise, in the delivery of certificates, the Vice Minister of digital transformation Iván Mauricio Durán and María Fernanda Correa, Deputy Director of IT Industry of the ICT Ministry, participated and congratulated all the beneficiary companies of the program and their representatives, and who will help to support the different industry sectors. Finally, they hoped that the knowledge and different tools they provided with this program would help each organization to grow and improve in various fields.

In this way, it is the beginning of an important stage for FUNIFELT within its technological innovation processes. These certificates, granted by MinTIC, the Sergio Arboleda University in Colombia and the Universidad Tecnológica de Monterrey in Mexico, are a sign that the organization has the skills, capacities, knowledge and actions necessary to contribute to the construction of a better society supporting different levels of education, and innovation with new technologies and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). Congratulations and we will continue to consolidate these processes.

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